
Showing posts from March, 2021


Well, I just watched a Thailand movie and it's pretty interesting. The title is "Homestay". It's about a soul that get to live in a young man body name Min who killed himself and he get 100 days to find out the truth behind the reason Min killed himself. It was a nice movie if you want to find another view of life. But what make it more entertaining for me was the use of "Homestay" term in this movie. This movie is telling the audience that your body is your homestay. I think that is a nice idea to use in the movie because you won't stay forever living with that body. One day, you will die and your body won't be yours anymore. Thats why, as long as you live, appreciate your life. No matter how living turn up, try to see it in a different view. Try to look in the positive side. You need to find a reason to live for tomorrow because you will be leaving this world one day. So, live your life to the fullest. Meet as many people outside there. If you sad


I love making new friends. Well, who doesn't? Some may because they afraid of lonely but I just love having a new friend. And I will always take the first step to approach them while telling them a lot of stories. I will become as friendly as I can. But that is a story a few years ago. Back to where i believe nothing is impossible.  And I even had my BFF (BEST FRIEND FOREVER). She was so nice except for she was strict. Believe me, I hate her at first because she was so strict, way back then. I even swear I won't like her at all😂. But, He had a very neat planning for me. He make us meet, everyday. And I think that when I start to change my impression on her. I always wonder how did we become close to each other because that is the thing I am curious about all the time. She is the opposite me. Why? Well, I am someone that love playing around while she was very firm and believe me, you can feel her charisma. But we really make a good pair of BFF. She love drawing when that thing