I love making new friends. Well, who doesn't? Some may because they afraid of lonely but I just love having a new friend. And I will always take the first step to approach them while telling them a lot of stories. I will become as friendly as I can. But that is a story a few years ago. Back to where i believe nothing is impossible. 

And I even had my BFF (BEST FRIEND FOREVER). She was so nice except for she was strict. Believe me, I hate her at first because she was so strict, way back then. I even swear I won't like her at all😂. But, He had a very neat planning for me. He make us meet, everyday. And I think that when I start to change my impression on her.

I always wonder how did we become close to each other because that is the thing I am curious about all the time. She is the opposite me. Why? Well, I am someone that love playing around while she was very firm and believe me, you can feel her charisma. But we really make a good pair of BFF. She love drawing when that thing was what I dislike. We always have a different way of thinking and every single thing was a debate for us. 

And that debate end up for us to be fighting among us all the time😅. But, that what make us close to each other. She was a well planner while I am someone that will barge my way into anything. And the only thing that we had the same in common was writing. That's what make our friendship different from the others. And we also make a promise that we will wrote to each other until forever. Except, that promise is still pending right now 😂. Well, lots of our promises still pending😅.

She taught me about what is a real friend suppose to be which I try to adapt in my life now. Sometimes, she taught me about Islam which I believe she will become a great person. And I am proud of her. Always proud of her. Even when we fight with each other, I always proud of her. There was one thing that I always do when we got into fight. I always counting the days where we never talked to each other and looked forward to who will talked to each other first. But, there will always a variable that will make us talked to each other 😂

Now, I think it way past 6 years we never talked to each other. Because of the ego, my ego. I tend to keep my ego and that why everything is what it is for the past 6 years. I think it's true that I am willing to let go of every of the memory while keeping my ego to myself. 

Since then, there is no BFF in my life. I treat everyone the same. Except for some people who I treat as my own family member because I can't call them as my BFF. I always said that, I am no longer believe in that word but deep inside, I know that I am keeping the title only for her forever. I keep her seat in my heart as my BFF because I believe that it will be her title forever. I won't turning back, so I will bring everything with me. I will carry it on until we meet again in the future. 

P/s: I watch a lot of BFF who turn into stranger or enemy. But I know, deep inside your heart, you did pray for their happiness. Then, why not pray for both of your friendship to be back just like before? I am trying to encourage you because I want to give myself a strength to do the same. The word FOREVER means infinity and I hope you can open your phone and try to contact them. Because who know, both of you may waiting for each other right? 


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