
Showing posts from June, 2022


I am shutting down my blog for like a temporary...or maybe a permanent. It's not that I am stop writing but it was a sudden plan and I guess I will do it tonight. But if this blog ever cross you, I hope my writing will never harm you. For the past few years, I am struggling with myself, a lot. Something that I love no longer in my interest. But like I said before in my blog, a stranger has become the sole reason for what I love right now. And this "may be" last post is dedicated to him. It is exact one year and a month I had this feeling for you. I think I had told you about this😁 at first I thought it was really a things but the more I watch you in your games, I am falling in love with your pure expression, your passion, and your commitment towards your play. You are the one why I know about the game. I read and learn about it and little did I know I started writing a story about Esport. I always love writing but I never really like started a thing.  I always ask myself