
Showing posts from February, 2020


I am not a perfect person neither a talented one but i can promise you that i can be your listener anywhere and anytime.There will be not much that i can do but it will always be my responsibility to hear you and be there for you.The reason why because i had been through that phase where nobody willing to listen to my story and it make me feel bad.That feeling always lingered around me so i know how hurt it was and i hate it to other people feel it just like how i feel it.So,if you need me,you need a listener you can always find me,i will listen to your story even it will be the last thing that i can do for you.I am not hoping for you to pay me with the money or what,but if you across a situation that required you to be their listener,i hope you willing to listen to their story.It hurt when nobody listen to you and the only thing you can do is,keeping it to yourself till it kill you inside.Reach me whenever you need me.No matter who you are,where you are,I promise to listen to every of


Lately,my long lost hobby came back.That hobby of looking up to the sky.And then i will wonder by myself.Lot of thing happen lately and i just realized that i am no longer doing this hobby.So i started my hobby back.And then i realized that i had been away too long and i guess it time to go back. To my dear one,i am sorry that i had am no longer me.I am sorry that i am no longer care and being myself.I am afraid that i never knew that i had changed when my body is mine.I make a lot of mistakes and this time,please don't forgive me.I am not worth it.Saying sorry is an easy word but to forgive,even for myself,i find out that it hard,so don't forgive me.And even if you did,keep it in your prayer. Thank you for all of the time,for all of the memory,for all of the energy.I try my best to be the best but i guess that i can't.I feel ashamed of myself.Soon i will done my last duty and i will make sure that last duty will always make you proud of me.I broke all of t