
Showing posts from June, 2020


Here i am.. Trying to figure out One particular reason  To satisfied the urge of curiosity To acknowledge the weakness of heart Where fear becoming the ruler It's cold inside And everything freeze Mind is empty and wandering Feeling is nowhere to be seen Sense is dying and waiting to go And nothing seems right But smiling and laughing is a must Because we are undercover To cover every sickness and pain Bury with a ton of lies Then people will accept us They will not calling us freak And now I am getting tired Sitting and feeling lose Empty inside that I can scream out loud My hand grip is keep loosen up Hanging and staying because of my dream I am empty inside  Feel cold  But i am alive because of the pain It teach me to alive in darkness It teach me to breathe under the suffocated day And here I am I am far from stronger But day by day I build my strength  I am far from perfection But one step ahead to learn my mistake I am still empty  But I know that I am going to be okay


  Most people would like to talk about it, but there are people who are going to avoid the word. Someone once told me that my sorry is meaningless because I never put any sense in it, even from the bottom of my heart I really mean it. So, I've always noted myself. My sorry is twice and that's it. The first is an apologized that comes from my heart. The next is my reflection on our relationship.And if by chance the second sorry is wasn't what they searching for, I'm not going to go for my third sorry, because the third sorry is my dignity. So,it really hard for me to say sorry even if i really want to. But sometimes i did apologized though😉. Someone said that "there's nothing to be afraid about asking for forgiveness" and this word is true. Don't afraid to ask for forgiveness. And this word is specially for all of you exclude me, because I am afraid to ask for forgiveness. I am afraid that people will say the same thing about my sorry. But I will do my