
Showing posts from August, 2020


  Berdiri, berlari dan mencari Sebuah ketenangan yang hakiki Tanpa tangisan dan rayuan didengari Tanpa ada darah yang mengalir di sana sini Namun, semuanya telah terjadi tanpa ada diingini Terasa sakit dan perit di dada ini Mengalirnya cecair merah membasahi diri Lalu rebah sambil menanti Sang maut datang menjemput kembali   Terjaga dari tidurku yang lena Lena kerana aku berada di negara merdeka Tanpa ada yang menyakiti dan menyeksa Tiada lagi keperitan yang sama Kerana kita negara yang merdeka untuk selamanya Kerana perpaduan kita menjaga Kerana perpaduan kita saling melindungi bersama-sama Dengan adanya keprihatinan yang kekal abadi dan selamanya   Badai datang melanda dan mengoncang dunia Masing-masing saling berjaga Agar tiada lagi yang terkorban dan tiada Tiada untuk selamanya-lamanya Kerana ini negara kita Sama-sama kita jaga Bersatu hati kita perangi segalanya Agar suatu hari nanti kita menang dengan gembira Membawa satu seja

If You Do

    If you do try to understand me It will never be like this If you do try to believe me It will be different But you won’t Because you never do I fight myself I try to win over myself But the end, I lose Because fighting alone never result in good Fighting alone is a fight that you tried to kill yourself in battle But I choose it Because I know you won’t be with me Because if you do I won’t be here   Tears is my blood Every pain result in blood Every pain will become a scar That will not faded away either now or later   Now, selfishness is my new style Cold is my new environment And love will be guarded


How lovely life is  When you just relax and gaze at nature  Smiling under the blue sky  Wind stop by to say hello and good-bye  Before moving ahead with the journey How lovely life is When they're all there for you No one left or forgotten Watching the beautiful view of the sunrise To stay together to enjoy the sunset Keeping a promise to each other It's going to be fun every day How lovely life is  We could see when some of them don't.  When some don't, we could talk.  We could hear when some of them don't  We could run and walk when some of us can't.  And we could breathe when some of us can't fight for tomorrow But the beauty of life is more precious to those who couldn't.  They appreciate it more than people could   They 're living and breathing more than people are.  They understand more than people who could  Since they already know how amazing their lives are Beautiful life is not a waste. Beautiful life is not a concern of regret. It's ab

Little Girl

This little girl always wonder why This little girl always try to find a reason But she never find it and in the end she let it go So many times she wish she could leave So many times she wish she could disappear So many times she wish she could go But so many times it won't happen Because she couldn't make it happen There was a day when she couldn't understand herself well And now it's all day To the point she can no longer recognize herself any longer Where sometimes she feel sorry for them for staying When they could leave and lead a happy life Instead they are learn to understand her And it hopeless, because she can't She try to make it possible with her words But nobody know she bad with words She try to reach them but she can't reach herself She try to give a nice advice but in the end She can't do the same She telling herself every day Everything going to end soon  Everything going to be okay But she know it won't be over Unless she brace herself