
Showing posts from July, 2021


Actually, yesterday was my presentation day. And as usual, my hand was shaking and cold. I couldn' feel any of my words to utter. And I tend to look into something that could comfort me. And yes, even though I am shaking but I could felt my strength from a picture. And everytime I saw the picture, only one thing that could describe it "You already did you best so what more?" And I kind of felt like yes, I did my best so whatever comment or feedback won't tear my effort. And I successfully went through the presentation and QnA session. Even I get some comment but I am able to answer every question given to me. Thus, I need to go back to my coding and improve some of my development. Well, the thing that I wanted to say was no matter what it is, believe in your effort and you already did your best😁You should proud of yourself for able to did it. Thank you for your existence. Even though we are not in the same world, but we are living under the same sky❤️ One


  There was a time where I am very afraid to watch the game because I am afraid to know the ending.  Sometimes, I even close my eyes and just listen to the broadcast. Sometimes, I stay away from my phone just like i did now. My heart beat faster everytime they lost a round. But I know they will able to stand up again because they are a great team.  I love their expression during the game. They are very focus and dedicated while their hand on the keyboard and mouse. I hope that they will be playing for a long time, like a very long time. They can do lot of great things in the future πŸ™Œ Trying to keep in time with their game day and time because of the different time zone. Need to check it up for multiple time because I am afraid I miss their game. Good luck all of you. No matter what happen, believe in yourself, your team, and your coach. Proud of you guys. Do your Best πŸ’ͺπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

I Am Sorry

What would you do when you realize that you never be happy? What would you do when you realize that your smile is not genuine? What would you do when your laugh seem fake?  Everyone trying their best in everything but there will be a moment when they give up everything and shut down. They shut every door and keep themself inside away from the world.  It really get tiring when everything doesn't seem to be okay. Telling people to be okay but when it come to self, the words doesn't comply anymore.  But you know what seem to be a light under this dark? A happy face that awaits you at the end of this dark tunnel. When you realize that you just need to walk a few more steps then you will get to see what you eager to see. It push you and motivate you and you just keep moving.  I am sorry that sometimes I really get tired. I am sorry that sometimes I cry over a things. I am sorry that sometimes I just keep silent for quite a time. I am sorry that I keep walking when you ask me to get

Falling In Love

  I bet everyone has falling in love and I hope that the people who staying by your side right now is someone that you really love. But if you are still looking for them, I wish you a good luck and happy ending with them. I did too. Falling in love but never happy ending. It just a one side love so I teach myself to move on if I know I will get hurt badly from it and as i am getting different experience in this scenario, the process of move on only getting easier and faster.  People always said to me that we need to be with someone who love us the more. This way we won't get hurt because we know all of the love is for us. Only for us. And we don't have to push ourself to love them back but I don't quite agree with it. I disagree.  Why? Because it's unfair. You get all of the love but not giving the same love. You treating it as a bus stop to heal your heart while waiting for another bus to come. She or he is a normal human being and deserved to be happy.  Don't give