Falling In Love


I bet everyone has falling in love and I hope that the people who staying by your side right now is someone that you really love. But if you are still looking for them, I wish you a good luck and happy ending with them.

I did too. Falling in love but never happy ending. It just a one side love so I teach myself to move on if I know I will get hurt badly from it and as i am getting different experience in this scenario, the process of move on only getting easier and faster. 

People always said to me that we need to be with someone who love us the more. This way we won't get hurt because we know all of the love is for us. Only for us. And we don't have to push ourself to love them back but I don't quite agree with it. I disagree. 

Why? Because it's unfair. You get all of the love but not giving the same love. You treating it as a bus stop to heal your heart while waiting for another bus to come. She or he is a normal human being and deserved to be happy. 

Don't give hope if you can be the hope. Don't raise the hope if you can't take any action after that. Because a broken heart is much more painful that getting hit by a bicycle. Well anyone know that. 

So, now yes, I falling in love with a stranger that I know for 3 months but don't worry it just a one side love btw. Because the level is too high. I am not ready to climb it up yet. I am in a process of thinking the reason I am falling in love this time😂

Well my guess is maybe because I can't forgot the first time I saw him and his expression is priceless. It was so awesome. And I still remember that expression up till now. It kind of amaze me and giving me some reason to smile and continue moving forward. That expression of never give up and his happy face when I realize that "Hey, this is a life. We need to be happy and live our life to the max" 

For the past few months, it's really burn me out to the point I only wish for a rest for awhile. Trying my Best to cope with it but everyday is a little bit challenging 😅 but that never give up expression stuck with me to the point it become a flame that help me to deal with my daily life. So I guess I owe him right? 

Then, I guess the reason I am falling in love maybe no reason at all. You can't control the feeling anyway 

Well, that is my story of falling in love right now. So what yours is? Love really bring a different positive side of effect right? It's never wrong to fall in love but the way you use that feeling into a positive ways is much more matter. Don't be afraid to falling in love because love is what make the universe become much more stronger. 

P/s: I am sorry for falling in love with you but I want to say thank you for become the reason for my rising


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