I Am Sorry

What would you do when you realize that you never be happy? What would you do when you realize that your smile is not genuine? What would you do when your laugh seem fake? 

Everyone trying their best in everything but there will be a moment when they give up everything and shut down. They shut every door and keep themself inside away from the world. 

It really get tiring when everything doesn't seem to be okay. Telling people to be okay but when it come to self, the words doesn't comply anymore. 

But you know what seem to be a light under this dark? A happy face that awaits you at the end of this dark tunnel. When you realize that you just need to walk a few more steps then you will get to see what you eager to see. It push you and motivate you and you just keep moving. 

I am sorry that sometimes I really get tired. I am sorry that sometimes I cry over a things. I am sorry that sometimes I just keep silent for quite a time. I am sorry that I keep walking when you ask me to get some rest. 

But as time pass, I hope that I would be okay. Able to smile and laugh. But this time, I hope there is happy


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