Circle GIFs | Tenor

 Sometimes I wonder

Where thing started to went wrong

To the point I started to giving up

Ran away as far as I can

It keep coming

Day by day it torture me

Believe me I am trying

To make sure it went away

And never come back

But it always come strong

It knock me out

Let me suffer little by little

If you ask me am I happy

Yes I am but I know

I don't even know what is happy

Does it really matter for us to be happy

Because if you ask me right now

I don't have the right answer for you

Those broken part I try to fix it

But the more I try to fix, it become worse

I hide it well inside myself

Wear different mask to cover it up

But when the mask gone

I am no longer hiding it up

Take a step to away so that

No one can see me anymore


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