I used to think a lot and now I think more than I suppose to be. And sometimes I can't understand why but human, they will keep thinking about some unimportant matter. 

But may I asked? Did you ever be happy just because the day is raining, or the TV show your favourite movie, or you get to eat your favourite food, or spending your time with your beloved one? That is a meaning of happiness right?

A small and simple thing that just make your day and put a smile on your face. But if you unable to find it, well can you look around until you find a smile on a face? And I dared you to ask why. Maybe the answer will shock you.

A friend of mine ask me, if happiness can't be found even I wait or keep searching for it, does it mean the happiness doesn't exist for me? If you have the same question then this answer is for you. 

It either this two path, you deny the happiness or you in a wrong place. When you deny the happiness, even if you search the whole universe, you will never find it. Happiness doesn't rely on a big thing. Sometimes, it hide under the small "gift" that we forgot to appreciate for. We never open that gift because we are too busy try to find it in a big box of gift. Sometimes, you never really realized about it but all of us did forgot to open the small gift. 

Happiness will be in a right place and if you can't find it there, then move. Try to find it in another place. It will never living in a wrong place. Because the right place is a life for a happiness and you surely will find that place. Look at different angle and don't mingle at the same place over and over again searching for it. We tend to stay on the same place because we got a comfort from it. But we never did really able to find a happiness in that way. So go to the right place and you actually can feel it is the right place for your happiness. Eventually, everyone will find their own happiness. 


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