The word death always struck me. And I know facing death mean you will be leaving everyone that you know, everyone that you love, every beautiful memory you created, every single things you had done. And the only thing that remain is their memory of yours.

You will be leaving your title, your position, your status and your loved one will keep missing your because they know you won't be back and hug them anymore. You won't be with them anymore. Your voice that been living with them will no longer can be heard. That is the pain of losing someone to the death.

I always told my mom "One day I will die" and she always said "Stop your nonsense" Maybe she think I am joking but I know that is the truth and she know it too. The word related to death scared me.

I am afraid of the death because losing is a things that I always failed on. I can't even imagine living without the person who always there for me. I can't even think of waking up in the morning and realize they no longer there. But that is the reality. The death is all of the destiny of every living human. Everyone will faced it sooner or later.

To everyone that lost their loved one, be strong even I know that is the hardest task because you will be letting they go and you realize their part in your life is reaching the end. Keep remember every single of your story and memory. That is the proof of their existence. Keep moving forward because they would love to see you happy, even without them. Keep those beautiful memories. And keep praying to Him to reunite all of us in His paradise.


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