Recently, I discover something. And I do believe in one thing that time do heal. It just whether you give yourself a chance or not. People are not hating a goodbye but they hating it when they unable to feel your presence and looking at the same face anymore. Their fear are not letting you go, but afraid of not going to see you anymore in the future. That why sometimes people are hard on saying goodbye. 

It wasn't the goodbye but the presence that they can't feel once someone is leaving. Even though there still lot of ways to keep communicate or in touch with each other, it will never the same. And maybe that is the reason why it's hard to accept someone that no longer exist in this world, someone that is leaving us forever and not even a slightly chances to meet at all in the future. 

But, time do the magic. It heal you as time passed. You can take as much time as you needed but eventually, the time is the medicine for it. And once you are ready, those feeling will not going to hurt you anymore, but it will become a feeling that will always making you realize that life is a magic itself and time is the magician. So, if you find it hard right now when someone leaving you, it's okay. Just cope with time. Even though you no longer can feel the presence, but you will always know that your heart will never lie to you. They are living in your heart forever. 

Your heart is strong, just give a little time to do the magic. You may feel vulnerable for a moment but it wasn't a sign for your weakness. Appreciate the moment and do believe that one fine day, you will able to see them.


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