I always said, no matter what happen please smile. Actually, I want to take it back. Do cry if it hurt you. Stop pretending to be happy if you are sad.

Why? Because it had mislead everyone. Just speak it out if you are not okay, even nobody really care but at least they listen to you. 

Shout as loud as you can. Even if people give you a stern gaze and call you crazy, at least you know you are alive. 

Show it if you're not in the best state. Say any word to make the people notice. Believe me, there will be a person who really care about you. 

Stop live a life of other presumptions. Lead your own soul. You will feel much lighter. 

You are strong so it's okay if you wanna cry. It wasn't bad thing except maybe your face will be bad because it full of the snort and tears😅

Maybe people never ask are you okay because you always look okay which prove eyes can lies. Maybe nobody hugged you because you always give them a hug. You act strong all the time.

So, maybe loose yourself a bit. This time let them show their concerned. Let them be protective towards you. This time, let them listen to you. Let them give you an advice. 

It's okay to show them if you're not okay. Everyone had their problems. Stop demanding to be okay. You'll lose yourself. Let's learn to show it.


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