They told me that hatred and revenge will never satisfied me. They told me that it will never make the pain less. They told me that it also will never comfort me. They told me that it will never bring me a good end. They even said that it will destroy me. Out of nowhere, they never ask me why? They never ask me what? They never question my reason. They never ask me the story of my side. Nobody want a negative energy inside them. But if there is a positive energy, negative will follow up. Because that is the mean of balanced. If you ask me did I still angry? No, I am not. If you ask me did I change? It depend on your instincts. But right now, I prefer living with a less people because less mean the pain will reduce. Less mean less responsibility. Less mean less feeling. Less mean less stress. Less also mean I don't have to care about lot of people. Healing my own heart is taking lot of time and cure. I afraid that it won't heal anymore so I will just live with this heart now because from the first place I never choose hatred and revenge


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