Lately, I always feel tired where I couldn't feel any energy inside me. I don't know how I can still work, walk or "alive" when I am totally exhausted. I don't even have a power to talk anymore.

I wonder where did those beautiful day of mine had gone. I wonder where that tough girl had missing. I wonder where the feeling faded away. 

I want to take a rest but this life won't let me. I want to stop but this life definitely control my path. What should I do then? I want to disappear but this life always find me.

I want to scream it loud but there totally no sound that can come out. Too tired to think that there is tomorrow. Too tired to meet people which if I could choose to lock myself inside my room, yes I will choose that because it give me a comfort and make me feel safe. 

And now, things is not always what it is. Sometimes I just push myself through the day and when the night come, I will stay on my bed waiting to continue the next day. 

But, I believe that I will able to find myself again. And this time, it way too stronger than before. Wish me☺️


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