People know me for my craziness, my silly, and my sudden strict personality. I do crazy thing. I done a lot of silly things. And I can be strict sometimes and people who wasn't close to me will find it hard to apporach me because there is this vibe on me that kind of making me look firm.

Well, just like the topic, I tend to do stupid things which sometimes I regret the most. And the most stupid thing I do was believing and hoping. I believe on something that was impossible and hoping for something that won't happen. 

I believe in something that broken. I believe everything that broke can be fix. I believe it can return to it original state. I believe that some fix can make it better. But that happen few years back. Now, I'm no longer trying to do something for the broken things. Because, I saw the result when I tried to. I mess up. The whole thing become more complicated and I am sure that was the reason why I choose to live in small circle of people. I am done with fixing. But I do believe that there exist someone that can make a miracle happen when that person can fix everything and turn everything to the original state. I believe that person is on the way.

Hoping? Well, for me it was the stupid thing I ever do. Which result to my own feeling. The more I keep my hope, the more I feel hurt, the more I shut myself. Why? Because the higher you be, the risk increased. And it hurt really bad. So, now I choose to stop hoping. And continue living before I kill my own feeling. How nice it will be when the thing you hoping to be happen, make you little brave and stronger. Except, in my cases, it will never happen. 


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