I has a brother that always avoid to bring me out even I ask him too..A brother that always lied to me thinking it was funny to make fun of me..A brother that always broke his promise and never did comply with his promise..

Also a brother that always forgot the important thing i said to him even keep being remind..and the same brother that always said "Never ask anything from me" but he was the one who always ask me for anything..

But also, he is the one who always put his story with me that he never told our parents what it is..He also the one who travel miles away just to fetch me up..The one that taught me my mathematic until I able to understand the question..

He also the one who stand over me when I am being bullied..the first one who rush over me when I fall from my bicycle..and the one that said to me never waste your time on loving a person that never see you for yourself..the one that think about my future when I don't..

He may forgot all of this but I never did..because he is a hero after my father even we argue a lot🤣 Well, he has lotnof weakness but I know he try his best to become a brother for me.

Today may not a Siblings' Day or National Brother's Day..not even his birthday but soon is his salary day😂😂..Just want to say I appreciate every of single things he did for me..😁😁


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