I think most of people know this fictional character. His name is Stitch a 626 experiment create by Jumba and his bestfriend is Lilo. Since I am a kid, I love this character. He is cute and he always having a lot of reaction towards everything. I still watching his movie and cartoon up till now. But to me, he is not a fictional character. He become my inspiration and I always feel that he exist. I even have lot of Stitch goodies started from the key chain, the USB, pillow, doll and I still wanted to collect more of his goodies😁😁

Stitch said that "Ohana is a family. And family mean nobody left behind or forgotten" This word mean a lot for me. And represent a lot of event in my life. Sad or happy this word will appear. Stitch teached me a lot about love, friendship, family, and life. And for that I am really grateful.

If I could wish for something, I want to meet Stitch and ask him a lot of questions. I want to ask him the reason he said that. I want to tell him my story. I always want to hug him and said that every story that get started will having it's end. But it doesn't mean that the memory will vanished. It stay and always stay as long as someone still remember.

I want to say thank you for becoming an inspiration in my life. I want to say that I am grateful that he is exist even he is not real. I want to say that he is the best even he just a fictional character. But he is a Stitch that represent a love that having no boundary even you are not related. But as long there are a trust, love, and memory you are Ohana. Always Ohana. Right Stitch?



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