Among my least favorite thing to do in life, making a decision is one of it. It's not that I hate it but it was among my least favorite thing. 

Just a couple of days ago, someone tell me that I am an adult and no longer a teenager. I should stop behave like one. And I said it was funny that an adult is determine by age because if it determine by a person mental health, I'm afraid everyone is a teenager. 

One thing about being adult is the more they age, it require them to make a lot of decision especially on life. It's good to become an adult but I wish there is fun to it. But I know everyone just wish they can get through the day.

There will be a time where you just feel unhappy with the choice you make but still, you glad you make it because sometimes a decision that you make, it may not all about you. Sometimes your concern for the decision is other people.

But not everyone can understand your decision. It kind of devastating because your decision is for others but they can't see through it. Which make me wonder, if they can't see you through the decision, does it mean they never knew you at all? 

But it's okay if they can't understand. One fine day, a better explanation will come, to say the truth of the decision. It's okay if they think you are destroying everything when in fact every decision that been done, it make you feel selfless.  Maybe because you can't really speak what is wrong or in your mind.

I also have a difficulty to speak what it is in my mind, the truth is. I tried but nothing can be utter from this mouth. 

Well for the whole thing that I wrote in this world of writing, it is my opinion. Some of it was my experience and it doesn't suppose to stand for all people. Maybe some but not everyone. My word, my writing, it just my way to convey my opinion of life. I would like to apologized if it sound like unfair or such stuff but really, it just my point of view. Hope you like this sketch of word. 


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