I learn to apologized. Because, I feel wrong about it. As my age going to turn soon, I realize that I need a peace. A peace for my own heart. But, I did not expect people will forgive me. Just like I said before in other writing, forgiving is the hardest thing that human need to do. But by doing it, you are strong person that try to keep your mind and heart in peace. However, it doesn't mean that by not doing it refering you as a weak person. Not, it's not.

Because I do know, forgiving is hard. The fact that you are not destroying their life after hurting you, not trying to get revenge is a prove that you had a kind heart. Different people have a different approach anyway.

But you know, forgiving won't change the fact that they were hurt before. Forgiving doesn't mean you will get a second chance. So, I do aware about it. Maybe apologized is a way to satisy myself that I need to say sorry for every single bad things I do. I am sorry. I am sorry that my sorry will make everything more hard but I want to say those word from my own heart. Even I know it won't change the past and it may affect the future.

I love this word "If you can't forgive me, then allow me to bring all of the memory with me. Let it stay with me and you can forget about everything". Walked away was something that I never like in the past, won't be in the future, and never do in the present. But I still choose it because staying won't give me a reason to standing for it.


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