Being alive is a proof that I am a human. I really am. I feel the pain, I get hurt, I can cry, I know feelings. But do you treat me like I am? What does it take to convince you, I am human and I am still alive.

How many tears will it take to show you I am hurt. How much longer I need to stay in pain for you to come and save me? What more you want for you to believe me? 

I never seek for an answer. Because you never provide me with one. So I stop questioning but do you realize that you are slowly killling my feelings? You make me feel numb towards myself. Is this what you always want for?

I walk, but alone. I cry, but alone. I talk, but alone. No wonder everything doesn't make any sense because I am walking, crying, and talking in a dark without anybody, without anyone. Numb, I wonder when it will over?

I hold onto a broken rope. A rope of memory. Trying to stay because memory full of bittersweet. But I never thought I need to let go the rope. Because holding onto it will eat me up. So I let go because I am a human. 

Everything end but the numb still linger. It may take awhile but I believe that desire for happiness will become a strong power to let me live the life because I am a human.


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