My favourite time always in the middle of night and the best feeling ever is still stay awake at that time. Listening to some song, watching favourite movies or dramas, writing and doing some stuff. How I wish I can stay at those time and feeling forever.

Because I'm not a lover of day but a loyal fan for a night. Did you feel the same thing? Like stay awake in the middle of night and wish the time can be more longer?

When I still awake at the middle of night (which I always did), I had a lot of ideas on how I spend the rest of night. That was when I got some inspiration on some of my writing. 

And I get to think a lot about myself but always regreting every choice that I make😂 but human can't get away from a feeling of regret. 

I regret a lot of things and I know that I never did done anything that I like in the past. So from this coming age and afterwards, I will do everything that I wish I do before I regret everything.

See? Awake at the middle of night make me think and feel like that. My mind kind of more clear. That was the reason when I need to think over something, I will spend the rest of night thinking and awake. 

Middle of night really hope me a lot for the past few years. And tadaaa, the best part in the middle of night is rain. Most of the time, I really can get honest with my feeling. 

So when you receive any text, or some call or some random word from me, believe me that was coming from my heart. I can ensure you that. And, I really love writing in the middle of night😍😍


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