If you won't talked to me, I understand. If you won't replied to me, I understand. If you won't listen to me, I understand. Why? Because I been there and I know how it hurt you. I can see the pain because I had been there. 

But the difference is, nobody understand me. Nobody understand why I won't talked to them. Why I won't replied to them. Why I won't listen to them. And when they feel fed up, they blame me. They put all of the fault on me. They mad at me. They said they are bored with all of this so I left. 

I left because I can't let myself hurt them with my word. I can't let them see the pain and watch my tears. And I promise, if I ever saw someone like me, I will try my best to understand them. I will never left them or blame or get mad at them. Because I been there and I know it hurt.

I know how the thing hurt you that you can utter a single word. I know how it made you in pain that you can't bring yourself to answer me. I know how it bring you to your own deep thought that you won't listen to every single word from me. I know all of it. So, I choose to understand you. 

With a hope that of you meet the same situation, you will try to understand them at your best. Give them a time for them to sort it out and wait for them to get it done. 

So that, nobody will ever feel the same pain that I had and get the same scars that i have


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