There was a day where I wish everything just end but He know the best. He keep make me meet new people. And in contact with lot of people. And this week I met my new friend who much younger than me. 

We talked a lot about things, about our life, our favourite movie or drama. Then, she tried to guess my hobby. "Let me guess your hobby. Reading?" And I shaked my head while trying to give her hint that it was a part of that subject. Then she guess gaming. And I said that is true but not my main hobby.

It took her a while and she said blogging, journaling. And I said "Yes, you are quite accurate actually it is writing. I wrote some stuff and I do blog". 

Then the next day, she ask me if you giving a chance to learn another language what it will be? I think she may thought I will said Japan, Korean or Chinese or something like that. But when I said Russian, she looked at me with suprised.

It felt like I am telling a big secret of mine. Then when I said I want to go to Russia for a bear, once again, she look suprised😂 When I told her I also watch more Chinese drama and listen to Chinese song, she gasped. Then in the end she said" I underestimated you because you are not what I thought are"

And there I am laughing at her word. And yes, when I talked to her, it felt like He had answer one of my question that I ask Him all the time. Maybe this is the resson why. To meet new people more and more. To talked more about life and explore more about the world. 

And yes, I want to explore more even with a broken feeling.Maybe that is the medicine for the broken feeling.


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